Who Travels With Us?

Unlike in other countries where the hop on hop off concept is mainly associated with young backpackers, Peru Hop is unique in that we have an amazing mix of people of all ages from around the world.

Often our older passengers love the energy of our younger passengers, whilst our younger passengers love the experience and stories that our older passengers share with them.

The average age of passengers on our bus is between 25-35 years old, however we have had quite a few families on our bus as well as people in their 70s and 80s, and below we can explain the type of passengers we have on board and why Peru Hop suits everybody!

A brief summary of our passengers

Unlike in other countries where the hop on hop off concept is mainly associated with young backpackers, Peru Hop is unique in that we have an amazing mix of people of all ages from around the world.

250,000+ passengers

85+ different nationalities

65% female / 35% male

30 years olds: average age

#1 rated travel company in all of Peru!

Overall 96% rating with over 5,000 reviews!

Why Peru Hop Is Perfect For YOU

The whole concept of Peru Hop is to discover the real Peru, in a safe and flexible way, no matter your traveling style, age, or who you’re traveling with! To find out more about the people that travel with us, CLICK on any of the following quick links to be sent to that section or simply scroll to see the whole page.

Why Peru Hop is perfect for...

Peru Hop is the perfect way for a couple to travel around Peru and share the incredible memories of Peru with your loved one.

Traveling as a couple around Peru can be sometimes stressful, from trying to pack your things in taxis to trying to book seats sitting together on buses. Peru Hop not only removes all this stress, but by taking you to some breathtaking destinations, and with discounts on private rooms in various hotels and hostels throughout Peru, we will ensure you both have the most amazing stress-free vacation you deserve.

Finally, apart from meeting people from all over the world on our buses, you will be surprised to know that over 30% of our passengers are couples, making it easy to meet other happy couples along the way to share the memories with.

Don’t believe us? Here are some reviews from couples which we took from TripAdvisor to highlight what other couples have said about their time on Peru Hop.

Best way to meet people as a solo traveler in Peru

I had so much fun with Ricardo, Nicole, and Debora. They really know how to...


Ready for the perfect couple getaway to Peru and/or Bolivia?